Friday, August 24, 2007

First Blog!

Am one of life's great procrastinators! Been slow to get onto the blog scene...but there's a lot to write about.

This is a very interesting time in history. The Internet is changing the way people live and interact. Technology such as this one, which allows me to blog is an exciting way to reach and interact with people.

I am particularly interested in observing the way things are unfolding in my country. On the one hand economic growth has never been faster. More and more people I meet, particularly those urban Indians, are upbeat about the nation's future. Which is great! But I also notice several disturbing trends - in society and politics - that worry me. Stuff that impacts the way we live, our choices and aspirations. It is about these particulary, that I wish to write about.

Of course, a lot of what I write, will, I am sure be random stuff. (Which is what blogs are meant for, I guess). Stuff like Cricket, Movies will surely find a place in my blog sometime.

So here goes....